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Seymour Area Farmers Market

Seymour Area Farmer's Market

Seymour Area Farmer's Market

Corner of St. Louis Ave & Walnut St.,
Across the tracks from the Jackson County Public Library.

Outdoor Market Season

Last Saturday in May through last Saturday in September
Begins May 10th - ends September 27th
MarketLite: Wednesdays (4 pm - 6 pm)
Full Market: Saturdays (8 am - noon)

Indoor Market Season

Third Saturday of each month, October through April

Vendor Registration Fees

  • Outdoor Season Vendor/Temporary Food Booth Vendor - $60 annual registration fee (allows vendor to sell on Wednesdays and Saturdays during market hours)
  • One  Month Outdoor Season Vendor - $30 registration fee for one month (allows vendor to sell on Wednesdays and Saturdays during market hours for only one calendar month) *Please indicate month. If this changes due to growing season issues etc., market manager must be contacted at least two weeks in advance.
  • Rookie Vendor (age 17 & under) - $0 registration fee
    Rookie vendor must have a parent co-sign the Vendor Agreement. At no time shall an adult connected to the rookie sell under the rookie vendor registration. An adult must be present at the market with rookie vendor.
  • Indoor Market Vendor - $30 annual registration fee (allows vendor to sell on the third Saturday of each month, October through April, during winter market hours)
  • Year Round (Indoor/Outdoor) Vendor - $80 annual registration fee (allows vendor to sell on Wednesdays and Saturdays during Outdoor market hours AND on the third Tuesday of each month, November through April during Indoor market hours)


Additional Fees/Discounts

*All discounts and additional fees apply only to Outdoor Season registrations and are not applicable to Indoor Market registrations*

  • Electric Access Spot - $20 annual fee - Access to electric is available only during Outdoor Market hours (Saturdays 8am-noon, last Saturday in May through last Saturday in September).  Those needing electricity must be positioned in an electric-access spot.
  • Requested Market Spot - $20 annual fee - Vendors may request a specific spot at the market. Assigned spots only apply during Outdoor Market hours (Staurdays 8am-noon, last Saturday in May through last Saturday in September). Specific spots are not guaranteed. If requested spot is not available, $20 fee will be refunded to vendor.
  • First-time Vendor Discount - $10 annual discount - Those vendors who are registering to vend at the Seymour market for the very first time will be afforded a $10 discount. Discount is not available for those applying after registration deadline.
  • Senior Citizen Vendor Discount - $10 annual discount
  • Returning Vendor (4 seasons+) - $10 annual discount
  • Late fee - $25 fee - Vendor registrations are due on or before May 1st. Registrations received after this date will be assessed a $25 fee.


Checks should be made payable to Jackson County Chamber

Registration form and check can be mailed to or delivered in person:

Jackson County Chamber
105 S Chestnut St, Seymour
IN 47274

*If paying in cash, please pay in person
*Please use mail slot (in the left door) if after business hours




Contact: Carrie Miller, Market Manager, at

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