About Us

The Jackson County Chamber began in 1931 to support the business needs of its members and the community. Our mission statement, "(T)o be a membership organization connecting, building and growing our members, businesses , partners and community" accurately summarizes the many events, programs, and projects that the Chamber initiates or partners in.
Our business community and members benefit from the crossroads geography that we enjoy. Industrial expansion, retail growth and service sector enlargement all contribute to the growing membership of our Chamber.
We proudly point to our understanding of partnerships and synergistic outcomes. Whether it is economic development throughout our community, focused projects in the downtown, or working to expand the educational opportunities of our children, employees or college students of all ages, the Chamber can point with pride at our leadership in the community and county since 1931.
Our Board of Directors represents the broadest of sectors in our community. Standing committees and on-call task forces meet to address the community needs and create new events and projects that advance our mission statement. Their interest, dedication, determination and enthusiasm are significant to the quality of life improvements that we have enjoyed for many years.
The Chamber is committed to the continued quality growth of our community that we are enjoying. We are proud of our accomplishments since 1931, and work each day to make our tomorrows even better.